Do Coyote Repellents Work?

Are you tired of coyotes feeding on everything around your house? Well, I’m sure you’ve considered using a coyote repellents. Coyotes are animals that will literally feed on anything they find. With that in mind, coyotes can quickly adapt to any environment since they are not picky about what to eat. More importantly, with the decline of their biggest competitor, the wolf, the population of coyotes is increasing significantly.

So, when food is scarce in their habitats, coyotes will not shy away from attacking any nearby towns or even houses. That means that the coyotes will feed on your livestock. 

If you see a coyote in your backyard, there’s no need to panic. There are several tips you could use to repel them. In fact, these tips are quite easy to implement and are very useful.

Use noise and light to your advantage

The first tip to getting rid of coyotes in your property is ensuring you have plenty of light. More importantly, you should also have enough light where your pet and livestock sleep. Thankfully, you can install motion sensor light switches which will automatically turn on when the animal accidentally bumps on something. Additionally, loud noises will turn the coyote away from your property. However, when the animal is hungry enough, light and sound might not be enough to deter them from making a meal out of your livestock. That said, always ensure your pets stay inside the house, and your animals are well secured. Make your entire area impenetrable by coyotes.

Coyote Repellents


Without a doubt, fences will always repel coyotes. That’s actually one of the most effective ways to keep coyotes off of your property. However, don’t use your regular fence since coyotes are quite cunning and intelligent. 

Coyote Repellents

The animals will find a way around your fence. Always consider going for a fence that’s at least five feet high. That will prevent the coyote from climbing over the fence. Also, ensure the fence is at least eight inches into the ground.

Remove all the food sources around

Coyotes love pet leftovers and will definitely come back to your compound for more. If you’d like to curb them, the best option is to remove any leftovers when your pet is done with the food. Also, avoid letting your pets leave their leftovers outside the house. Additionally, you should remove any woodpiles, bird feeders, and also keep the bushes trimmed.

Another great way is by cleaning your garden by eliminating the fruits and seeds that might have fallen off the trees. And keep the trash tightly sealed so that the animal doesn’t knock it down.

Odor repellents

Odors can help get rid of the coyote from your property. Most of the common odor repellents used to deal with coyotes include mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags. Place the repellent around your compound to protect your livestock. Also, you can spray the odor repellent near the trash can. You will also have to reapply the repellent from time to time.

Can I use wolf urine to repel a coyote?

Yes, you can, and it will work. However, studies have shown that the urine of a wolf will only work for male coyotes compared to the females. Additionally, it’s also less effective, especially if the coyote has never had any previous encounters with a wolf. 

If the coyote can’t recognize the scent, it will not identify the smell as a threat. All in all, the females will typically avoid the scent of a wolf when they are denning. That’s because everything is perceived as a threat to their puppies.

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