What to do if you find a dead dog?
Dogs have historically been regarded as humanity’s best friend, having been domesticated many years ago and purposefully bred to perform a wide variety of functions. They are highly intelligent animals, with ancient humans using them to assist in hunting and gathering food for others. Modern-day dogs are still used in a number of industries. For example, dogs are used at airports to check for illegal substances, whilst others have been bred to serve as rescue animals.
To this day, finding a dead dog can be a cause of much distress. Although a dead dog is usually found on the side of a road, they can in theory be found anywhere. It can catch people off guard, confusing them enough that the immediate solution is not necessarily obvious. The first thing you need to do if you find a dead dog is to check whether it is actually dead.

Like humans, dogs can also suffer from cardiac arrest, and you can check their body for a pulse. It is also possible to perform CPR on a dog, but this is only recommended if the dog belongs to you, as you otherwise do not know where the dog has been. If you do find a dead dog and believe it may still be alive, you should take it to the nearest local veterinarian for assistance. They will be able to properly assess whether the dog is alive or not and have the knowledge to revive it if possible. If you cannot get to one, you can always try giving one a call as they may be able to provide some help over the phone and offer suggestions on where you could take it.
You may not be able to handle the dog on our own, either due to the physical size of the dog or the emotional impact it may have on you. If needed, be sure to contact someone and ask them for help, as you may not be able to physically pick it up on your own, or may be too distressed to do it alone. However, if you are confident the dog is dead you could try to call a pet cemetery as most of them will have a 24/7 phone line for emergencies.

They may be able to point you in the direction of a local company like a mobile vet that will come and collect the dog’s body and dispose of it.
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