Gopher Prevention
Gophers are one of the most challenging rodents to keep away from your yard once they find their way in. These rodents mostly live underground, and they can easily extend into your yard and damage your property.
Because they are difficult to keep away from your yard, it is crucial to keep your yard clean so that nothing will attract them to your yard. If you do not find their tunnel, you might never find them, and they will continue destroying your property and wreaking havoc in your yard.
Physical Barriers
This is also called an exclusion method because it involves using an exclusion method to protect certain plants and, in some cases, the whole yard from other pests. You can either build a barrier around your most prized and valuable plants if you cannot afford it or manage to put up barriers in the whole yard.
You can use a wire mesh around the yard or the trees and plants you want to protect so that the gophers will not get in. When you use this method, you should ensure that you bury the fence at least a foot and a half underground because this is the only way to ensure that they will not dig through. Leave a small gate so that you can get through.
Gopher Repellents
A range of repellents are available when you are dealing with gophers. The chemicals have a pungent smell, and they will be unpleasant to the gophers, which will make them stay away from your yard. Before you use the repellent, check if there are any tunnels that they have in your yard. You can start with the tunnels then move to other areas.
Make sure that you repeat the process of spraying after every few weeks to continue repelling them. You can use the repellent once every two weeks and also after rain because the grass is fresher at this time.
Some plants like the gopher spurge and castor beans will keep gophers away because they do not like the smell. You can plant a few of them around your fence so that they do not dig and go through to your yard. If you prefer a more natural method, this is more effective because you will be able to keep them away for longer.
In case you noticed that you already have gophers in your yard, you need to ensure that you find a way to chase them out. There are a few things you can do to make sure they leave your yard like:
- Create a noisy environment
- Set a trap to capture the gopher
- Vibrating stakes
Although it is possible to capture or get rid of gophers from your yard, you need to ensure that you keep them out because this is much easier. Preventing the gophers from getting into your yard is more effective, and you will not use as much energy and resources while at it. In the long run, consistency is vital, especially if you live in an area where gophers and other rodents are common.
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