Is it Better to Remove Opossums Myself or Hire a Professional?

Generally speaking, it is better to hire a professional control service to remove any pests you may have around your home. Removal companies are professionally trained and correctly equipped to handle pests in a safe manner both for them and the animal they are removing, whilst also providing advice on how to prevent future infestations.

But sometimes homeowners need to handle the removal themselves. Unlike many other pests, opossums are relatively easy for non-professionals to handle as they are not inherently aggressive creatures. Instead, they startle easily, and they are not very well equipped to fight predators, instead using a variety of tricks to escape or outright avoid them.

For example, an opossum might hiss at you, which of course is unlikely to be anything more than a mild annoyance. They may also run away, which is one of their best defenses against humans as they are surprisingly agile and, with their unique prehensile tail, make for very good climbers. This tail acts as an extra limb, making it easy for them to scale trees to escape when threatened which may make it hard for you to catch it.

However, its most commonly used defense mechanism is to play dead, which is where the phrase “playing possum” comes from. Opossums, when threatened, will suddenly become completely rigid and appear as if dead. Whilst this works against many natural predators, for humans, this makes it easy to catch and even handle them.

Opossums Removal Professionals

This state can last anywhere up to four hours, so they will not react when touched until they regain consciousness.

Another advantage you might have is numbers. Unlike many pests, opossums are solitary creatures that do not nest or share dens with other opossums. 

This means you are likely to be handling a small number of them, which can make it easier to deal with on your own than other creatures like squirrels or rats.

But correctly trapping an opossum on your own still requires research and proper equipment to be effective enough that you do not need to hire a professional company. For example, you need to find the most effective place to set the trap and disguise it so that they do not easily avoid it. You also need to use the right type of bait that will not inadvertently attract something else.

Even after you catch and remove the opossum, you will then still need to make sure your home is sealed up to prevent future opossums from arriving, which can take a long time. Also, you may not know where to look, whereas professional pest removal services will know where the most likely entry points can be found.

Additionally, opossums can carry diseases that can cause harm to humans. So, even once they have been trapped or else playing dead, they still need to be handled with proper protective equipment to avoid transmission of unwanted diseases or bacteria which you simply may not have access to.

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