Problems Dead Animals Cause
From insects to mammals, homeowners up and down the United States have had to constantly contend with a huge number of invasive wildlife species. Many of these creatures approach or enter our homes because of the food it offers, which can be anything from vegetable gardens to garbage and pet food. This veritable buffet can be enough to keep pests well-fed, with many of them having omnivorous diets, meaning they can and will eat anything.

The other reason unwelcome visitors come to our homes is for shelter from other natural predators. This is especially the case in the colder months when warmth is limited, as not all wildlife creatures can or like to burrow and dig. By finding a way into our homes, they do not have to think about creating a shelter of their own, and there are plenty of places inside modern houses for them to hide in. From our attics to the walls, common household pests will inhabit anywhere they can to keep warm and safe.
Some creatures, especially insects, will do very little actual harm to the property itself, and are unlikely to cause any harm to people unless threatened or given the opportunity to. But many wildlife animals are notorious for causing extensive damage through their natural habits and behaviours. For example, most invasive creatures will happily eat anything they can get their paws or claws on, whether it is fit for human consumption or not.

As such, they will likely raid cupboards in the kitchen, or break open garbage bags. Whilst this is more of a nuisance than anything else, household pests will also often chew or gnaw at rough, hard surfaces to maintain their sharp, ever-growing incisor teeth. This can have dire consequences, especially if they chew at electrical cables which can cause fires to break out. Although pest control services can safely and efficiently remove a variety of wildlife from homes, it can be difficult to get rid of every single thing living within your walls. Anything left alive could easily come to harm, either through an injury or succumbing to dehydration or hunger, and die. But dead animals can potentially be more of a threat to homeowners than live ones.
For starters, most pests are able to live in hard-to-reach areas of your property, including the eaves and crawl spaces. If they die in these areas, they can be very difficult to remove. In some cases, it can be impossible to, such as if the animal dies between the flues of your chimney. If this is the case, it will be very costly for you to get access to them, and it may take long enough that the body has sufficient time to start decomposing.
Once this happens, a dead animal can cause a number of headaches. Their bodies will attract many unwanted insects like flies, maggots, and cockroaches. These may then pick up the diseases and harmful pathogens carried by the dead animal and potentially transmit them to you or your family. But these can also be easily transferred onto someone attempting to remove the dead animal if they are not wearing sufficient protective equipment.

Also, decaying bodies will have an extremely unpleasant odour that can linger for quite some time, even after the animal has been removed. Homeowners also need to be careful when considering how and where to dispose of the dead animal, as states across the country have different local laws on the removal of animal carcasses.
Select Your Animal

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Dead Animal
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