Are Skunk Repellents Effective?

People who are looking to keep skunks away from their property might consider using repellents to discourage these critters and keep them away. Often these repellents are chemical-based and can be expensive, especially when considering that chemical repellents require continuous application to be effective. For many others, they might consider an audible deterrent that is sold to specifically repel skunks.

So, are skunk repellents worth it?

The short answer is, no!

The reason for this has many answers and we will look at those here.

Chemical Repellents

Skunk repellents seem like the perfect option, apply the repellent and your property and yard are critter-free. Many people see using repellents as the most humane way of dealing with the problem, as they don’t need to deal directly with any animals. The theory is that once you apply the repellents, they will work to keep the critters away. This prevents the need to deal with the damage left behind, trapping, the possibility of being sprayed, or even having to euthanize a problem pest.

The reality of chemical repellents is that they simply do not work. Weather conditions, as well as other environmental factors, mean that the “repulsive scent” becomes ineffective when trying to create such an unpleasant atmosphere. By the time you realize that your handy work has not worked, skunks are already comfortable around your property.

This is because the reason for a skunk being around your yard, shed, or buildings are greater than a slightly unpleasant smell in the area. The survival instincts of the skunk are far greater than its unwillingness to be around an area that doesn’t smell great. People might also consider buying predator urine to spread around and show that this is a dangerous place for the skunk to be.

The main flaw with that is, skunks do not have many predators and are not fearful of other animals being in the area, due in large part to their own defense system being effective in keeping most predators away from them. For people who are concerned about humane options, they might be surprised to learn that many of these products are not produced humanely.

Always remember that chemical repellents are chemicals, and carry many risks to local plants, wildlife, pets, and people in the area.

Audible Repellents

Audio repellents are often called “ultrasonic electronic pest repellent devices” and they claim that by using high-frequency soundwaves, the noise becomes intolerable to rodents, raccoons, skunks, and other critters and pests. The problem is that it isn’t as simple as this. The age-old expression “if it sounds too good to be true it probably is” is true in this case. How easy would it be to just plug in one of these ultrasound emitters and have all your pest problems solved? If it really worked then every home in America would have one.

When looking at a 2001 Federal Trade Commission finding, they sent a warning to the manufacturers of these ultrasonic pest control devices, demanding that claims of effectiveness must be backed up by scientific research. These once seemingly magical devices have come under more scientific scrutiny which has shown not only how they work, but how effective they might be.

If you are adamant that you want an ultrasonic pest repellent, then our advice is not to expect any miracle or to use it as a sole repellent. These high-frequency sound emitters could be effective when used in conjunction with other types of repellents.


If you want to use scent repellents, or indeed any other type of repellent then there are many different ones that people have used over the years and handed down as remedies. As these are DIY and homemade remedies, they often do not carry the cost that store-bought chemicals do; they also have the benefit of being environmentally safe and can be fine-tuned at home to see what is most effective.

Many home recipes for DIY repellents involve boiling hot pepper, onions, and other types of chili peppers in water to create an infusion, which is then sprayed around areas that you want to keep skunks away from. Other home remedies include mothballs and rags dipped in ammonia being put into the den holes of the skunks to evict them.

Skunks are persistent creatures but will get the message when their burrows and dens are being made uninhabitable and this is often the best way to repel and keep skunks away from your property.

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