Tips to Keep Opossums Out of Your Garbage

Opossums are omnivores and that makes garbage cans a great place to find a variety of food. From leftovers to fruits, opossums will persistently tip your trash can just to get some bit into their stomach. Although opossums are generally harmless, you do not want them close by. Asides from the fact that they can spread trash around your driveway or yard, they are also carriers of several diseases. That’s why this post is going to explore tips to keep opossums out of your garbage.

Use a Strong Trash Can

It’s a no-brainer that if you don’t want opossums coming near your garbage, then you have to make the food there inaccessible. That means purchasing a metal can with a secure lid. Although plastic cans are prevalent in the market, it’s usually not the perfect choice because a lot of wild animals can chew through it. That’s why it’s important to ask if it meets the requirement for wildlife use. On the other hand, a metal can is sure to withstand attacks from opossums.

Keep Opossums Out of Garbage

Secure the Garbage Can Lid with Clamps

Opossums are highly intelligent creatures and they can learn how to toss the lid over. Also, they can learn that when they tip the garbage, leftovers pour out to the floor. To avoid this from happening, ensure that the lid is properly sealed.

A good idea is to tie the lid of your garbage can to the can’s handle with a rope or bungee cord. This way, the opossum cannot open the cover. Another simple strategy is to place a heavy item on your garbage can. The garbage becomes too heavy for the opossum to tip over.

Most importantly, do not carelessly leave your bin open.


Several repellents can help keep opossums clear from your garbage. For instance, the bad odor that ammonia emits is unpalatable to these nuisance creatures. That’s why sprinkling ammonia or mothballs around and inside your trash can help keep them away. Other natural repellents you can try out include hot pepper and cayenne pepper. Remember that repellents only work when the food source isn’t enticing. Therefore, it’s still important to make your trash can inaccessible.

Keep Opossums Out of Garbage


Setting traps inside your garbage can help capture these nuisance critters. Thereafter, it can be removed and relocated. Ensure that the trap you use doesn’t injure or kill them and that’s why spring traps or hinged door traps are better suited for capturing them.


Scare tactics like tying helium balloons around your yard to sway with the wind will startle and keep opossums away. The problem, however, is they may become acclimatized and lose their fear.

That’s why a motion-activated deterrent is better suited. The use of motion-activated sprinklers or motion-activated lights will make them uncomfortable and scare them off.

Keep Opossums Out of Garbage

Furthermore, natural predators like dogs will help keep opossums at bay.


Remember that opossums are attracted to your garbage because of the availability of food. The problem with that is they keep coming back for more. And before you know it, they start eating from your pet’s feeding containers and also food lying around. Keeping opossums away involves preventing access to garbage. But more importantly, it involves a concerted effort to keep your entire yard clean and unattractive to these unrelenting critters.

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