What To Do To Keep Foxes Away From Your Property
Foxes are great animals that are quite important in the food chain. However, having them around humans is quite tricky. They can cause a lot of havoc around a property, attack domestic pets, and are petty thieves of chicken and other poultry. No one wants to have a fox continuously invading their property and if you are reading this, it may have already happened. The good news is, you can keep them away. Read on to learn how.
Make your property unattractive
The reason that foxes keep coming back is that there is food for them on your property. Dispose of all your garbage properly using a garbage can. Keep pet food off your property as that may attract them. If you have poultry, make sure they are secured properly and not left roaming about as foxes may go after them.

Remove all potential sheds and trim all overgrown bushes and garden hedges that foxes may use as shelter on your property to discourage them from moving in.
Buy LED lights & sprinklers
Another thing that can be tried is motion-activated LED lights and sprinklers. The aim is to startle the fox as it makes its way to your property and make them run away in fear. Install either or both of these devices in parts of your property frequented by foxes to discourage them. You can also invest in other ultrasonic sound devices to keep foxes away.
Mark a territory
Foxes are very territorial. This means they also respect boundaries and won’t go where other animals have marked territory. Therefore, urine or ammonia may be used to scent mark an area to discourage them from visiting that area. Foxes interpret that as an area already being claimed by another and won’t go near as long as they can smell the urine.

The downside to this, however, include the fact that reapplication is needed as the effects of urine wear off quickly. Also, urine is not advisable to use around the house. It has an offensive, pungent odour that may be toxic due to the ammonia present.
Building fences
Building sturdy fences will ensure that foxes stay out of your property. When building fences, ensure that all corners are properly covered as foxes can wedge themselves through small holes and space gaps. Before installing any fence, ensure that all holes and access points to your property are sealed off as failure to do this only leads to the foxes going under your fence which is a waste of money and effort.
Trap and relocate them
The best thing to do is to ensure that foxes never show up on your property again and perhaps the best method to accomplish this is trapping. Fox-sized traps can be bought, laced with bait, and used to catch trespassing foxes. The trapped fox can then be relocated to a location far away from anyone’s property and safely to the woods.

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