What to do if a mouse got inside your house

While cartoons may have you believing that mice are cute, if not a bit mischievous creatures, they can actually be a serious issue if they get into your home. They can cause a substantial amount of damage to your property and even make your home unsafe for you to live in. So what exactly should you do if you suspect there are mice in your home?

Well, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this will be a fairly involved process that can take quite some time. The first thing you must do is inspect your entire residence inside and out for any areas that a mouse could have gotten in. You need to look for any gap or hole that a mouse may be able to squeeze their way into. Any spot you find must be repaired and sealed. This will help you in getting rid of your current threat as well as preventing any more mice from finding their way inside.

Mouse In House

After this, you will have to observe your home for quite some time to discover where the mice have set up their nest. Keep an eye out for any clues that may help to locate this area. Look for footprints and trails of crumbs that could indicate their movement along the floors. Wherever there is a higher concentration of mouse feces you are likely to find a nest.

Most commonly, however, mice will set up shop in your basement, attic, or hollows in your walls. Listen in these areas for any of the telltale sounds a mouse makes. Chirping, gnawing, and scampering along the ground are the sounds most commonly associated with mice.

Once you have located the source of your threat do not attempt to touch the mice. Mice carry a number of infectious diseases that can cause great harm and even death in humans. They also bite and are fairly good at defending themselves. It is best to take a much more hands-off approach when it comes to dealing with mice.
Traps that are in an area you can easily access daily are a great option when dealing with mice. These can be either live traps so you can release the mice elsewhere, or kill 

Mouse In House

traps that will snap shut on the mouse right then and there. Poison is not recommended as it is not something that kills them instantly. Instead, they will bring it back to their nest and you can end up with a number of dead mice in your walls that will stink and attract other animals to your home.

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