Raccoon Removal

Kill Raccoon

Different ways to kill nuisance raccoon Nuisance Raccoons When you encounter pests on your property, it can be tempting to react instantly and use whichever method is likely to get rid of them the quickest. However, you need to make sure that you consider the ramifications of each killing method before you take action.  Prevention

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Handle Raccoon

Should You Handle A Raccoon With Bare Hands? Many people have encountered situations where they find wild animals that seem hurt, young, or in places where they should not be. In these situations, one may consider picking the animal up to help or move them, but this is oftentimes a bad idea. This is especially

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Raccoon Caught

What to do with a raccoon after you catch it So you’re looking to a caught raccoon, or have already caught one, and want to know what the next step is. There are three options: release it on-site, relocate it, or euthanize it. However, not all these options are viable, and some are better than

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