Should you use poison to kill a coyote?

Having coyotes on your property can be such an unpleasant experience. They can prey on pets and livestock. They also feed on vegetation and can multiply quickly.

When you notice coyotes on your property, getting them out would immediately become a top priority. You will consider measures of getting out including poisoning. In this article, we consider whether or not you should poison coyotes.

killing coyote by poison

How poisons work

Poisons for different pests contain toxic substances that initiate different processes that can lead to the death of the poisoned animal. When you buy poison for coyotes, you leave the poison around for the critters to consume. The poisons for coyotes may also be specially coated with enticing substances known as attractants.

Because of the way they work, poisons are not the best solutions for getting rid of coyotes. You should not poison coyotes because they can cause the death of other animals apart from the target pest. Poisons also cause a slow and painful death for the target animal. We now consider the top reasons for not poisoning coyotes in more detail.

Coyote poisoning causing the death of pets

Pets and young children are at risk of poisoning when coyote poisons are applied. When coyote poisons are applied even with caution, they can be consumed by pets and young children. This is because pets and young children may not be able to tell that the substance is harmful. Thus, when pets and young children come across poisons, they may consume them directly. Young children and pets may also come across the poisons and touch them. Afterward, they could use the contaminated hand without washing it. In this case, they get poisoned indirectly. Because there are chances of direct and indirect poisoning of young children and pets, we do not advise the poisoning of coyotes. If the poisons were designed to cause harm to only coyotes, they would be safer to use, however, this is not the case.

Coyote poisoning causes inhumane death

When coyotes consume poisons, they are subjected to an inhumane death. Poisons cause death that is unnecessarily drawn out and painful. From the moment the poison is consumed, the deteriorative process begins.

If the poison causes damage to the walls of the intestines, for example, from the moment the coyote swallows the poison, the damage begins. The poisoned coyote will, thus, be subjected to a lot of pain until it eventually dies. The pain could go on for periods that range from a few hours to several days. Because poisons subject coyotes to a painful death which no animal should go through, we do not recommend the use of poisons to get rid of coyotes.

We should also mention that when you poison coyotes, they can die in any location. You would then have to look for the carcass and dispose of it. The carcass of coyotes carries diseases. Young children and pets could come across a coyote’s carcass, touch them, and contract diseases. This is another reason for not using poisons to kill coyotes.

Overall, the poisoning of coyotes is a bad idea for different reasons such as those highlighted above.

killing coyote by poison

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