Are rats good pets?

Rat can make wonderful pet if they are properly domesticated. When you think of rats you may conjure images of dirty little rodents running through sewers, but rats can be just as clean and social as a dog or cat. That may be hard to believe, but it is true and all of those rats you see in pet stores are not just snake food. Rats are furry companions looking for a loving family.


A major concern with rodents is often cleanliness. People stereotype them as dirty and diseased but that is not true for pet rats when they are well cared for. Rats can see a veterinarian just like dogs and cats do. Of course, they can get sick or have parasites like fleas, but that goes for all mammals so they are really no different than any other pet. Rats are very good at keeping themselves clean. 

Rat As Pet

Rats are very good at keeping themselves clean. Rats clean themselves in a similar way to cats and hamsters. They lick their paws before rubbing their faces and brushing through their fur until they are clean, and most rats will even groom themselves after humans pet them just as we wash our hands after we hold rats. 

You can even train a rat to use a litter box. It is a very small litter box compared to a cat, but it is just as easy to clean and helps keep their cage sanitary.

Social Animals

Rats are known to be social and curious creatures. If you have ever seen a wild rat you will notice that they scurry off in fear as they have learned that humans can be dangerous. Domesticated rats that have been raised around humans have learned the opposite. When young rats are handled, played with, and fed by humans they learn to see us as a friendly companion. Rats are social animals that would naturally live in groups in the wild. Because of this, they do best with a companion, often another rat that they are compatible with and sometimes they even choose a human as their favoured companion. Their inquisitive and playful nature is a joy to be around and once you bond with a rat you will see for yourself that they are intelligent and fun-loving.

There are many things to consider when bringing a new pet into your home so choose wisely. If you believe a rat is the best pet for you then do your research and be prepared for a unique and wonderful companion!

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