Is it a good idea to poison a skunk?

Skunks can be nasty pests to have, and make for very unwanted guests. It might get to a point where you want to poison skunks in order to get rid of the problem quickly. However, this isn’t a good idea. Poisoning a skunk is an inhumane and often-times unnecessary measure in terms of removing a skunk problem. There are many measures that you can take before you poison a skunk. Read on to learn why you shouldn’t poison skunks, and what the rules are surrounding it.

Is It Legal To Poison Skunks?

While the rules regarding poisoning animals vary from state to state, there is one notable factor regarding skunk poison- there are no legal and verified poisons designed for poisoning skunks. This creates one very significant issue- any poisons you use on a skunk could create a long, drawn-out, painful death for the skunk. In fact, the poison may not even kill the skunk at all. Instead, it could just create a painful experience for the skunk and injure it internally. Poisoning isn’t a good way to get rid of an animal infestation, as it’s an inhumane method and can be ineffective in many situations.

What Can I Do Instead Of Poisoning?

There are many steps you can take to remove skunks before you poison them. For starters, you can block the entrances to their dens. This inhibits them from making a comfortable den in your home, deck, shed, or porch. Another method you can take is buying coyote or dog urine and placing it near the den, making the skunk believe that there is a predator nearby, effectively causing them to abandon the area. If you feel that you can’t effectively get rid of a skunk, it’s best to call an wildlife removal company to remove the animal for you.

The Bottom Line

All in all, poisoning a skunk is not an effective way to deal with the issue. Not only is it not necessary, but it also creates a painful and inhumane death for the skunk. Poisoning a skunk should only be done if absolutely necessary, and even then it’s important that you check with a wildlife removal company to see if they can remove the skunk for you. If possible, always refrain from poisoning skunks. Poisoning a skunk may also be prohibited in your state, so if you do decide to poison a skunk, you need to make sure you can do so legally.

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