What are the steps to trap a skunk?

Skunks discharge an obnoxious odor when they feel threatened. The oily liquid that skunks release can go as far as 3 – 4.5 meters, and in succession, they can spray up to six times. The fluid is agonizing when it gets into a person’s eyes and can as well result in temporary blindness for a few minutes. Also, when hit by the foul spray released from skunks, you will be left smelling for a few days. Skunks being nocturnal animals, spend most of their days in their chilled shaded homes. The presence of skunks on your property is not good news for your property. According to the United Wild Life, you could know you have a skunk around your house when you notice an extremely bad odor.

To trap a skunk, without falling victim to its foul odor, here are a few guidelines:


An obvious problem when trapping skunks is their odor defense. Still, one of the most effective methods of skunk control is skunk trapping. Some steps in trapping skunks are narrated below.

Step 1: Ascertain the necessity of trapping if alternatives are available.

Step 2: Select a skunk trap: The best skunk traps are medium to large (63.5-88.9cm). Either a gravity door trap that allows for opening from a distance with a long pole or a loaded spring trap requiring manual door operation will do. Just as the name implies, the gravity door trap requires gravity to shut the door, and it’s also usually cheaper than the loaded spring type. When using the loaded spring trap, practice opening of the trap before going ahead to set it. This is to ensure that it can easily be opened. Practicing is not as important with the gravity door trap though.

Step 3: Determine the right areas to place the trap: The trap should be placed in an area where you have noticed the most skunk damage or in an area where the skunk frequents.
These include:

  • Holes
  • Porches
  • Bush piles
  • Flat, sturdy surfaces, etc.

After ascertaining the skunk’s lair, your trap should be placed 6-10 feet from the entrance of the den. The trap should be positioned in such a way that it ensures stability.

Step 4: Use the right bait: For a successful catch, a skunk bait is necessary. You should note that only baits that skunks find attractive must be used. The bait should be cautiously positioned inside the trap. Avoid the use of meat-based baits. Bread coated with peanut butter, oily meals, and dry cat food are the best baits for skunks. The bait should be placed in a way that it entices the skunk into the trap and causes it to step on the trigger plate.

Step 5: Keep tabs on the trap: Skunks are nocturnal animals; therefore, the trap should be set in the evening. Close the cage if it’s empty the next morning to prevent trapping any diurnal animal. Set it again in the evening. It’s important to monitor the trap often to ensure a trapped skunk does not remain in there for too long without food and water, as this is harmful to its health.

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