Damage mice can cause in your attic

Mice can silently destroy your attic without you knowing. If you think you’ve got a mouse infestation, check out the mice damage in attic what they can cause.

1) Mice can chew on your stored items

Most people use their attic as a storage space. While you think that this is a safe place to keep valuable items, a family of mice could be silently destroying memorabilia and antiques.

Mice don’t just chew on edible substance, they chew on wood, paper, clothes, and other materials – even steel. 

Mice Damage In Attic

Do not underestimate the power of their tiny little teeth because they can absolutely ruin whatever you have stored in your attic.

2) Mice can mess up your electrical wiring

You might be wondering why in the world would mice chew on wires. After all, it’s not food and it surely doesn’t taste good. The reason is that mice need to keep their teeth strong and sharp. Wires are chewy and very hard to chew through which makes it the perfect teething material for mice.
If you suspect that your house is infested with mice, you should definitely have your electrical wires checked as safety and preventive precaution. There have been numerous incidents where chewed on electrical wires have caused serious damages and even fires!
The attic is one of the most neglected parts of the house, make it a habit to check on this area every once in a while to make sure there are no tiny little rodents living in there.

Mice Damage In Attic

The attic is one of the most neglected parts of the house, make it a habit to check on this area every once in a while to make sure there are no tiny little rodents living in there.

3) Mice can burrow or chew through your insulation

Have you ever noticed a surge in your electric bill? Mice might just be the culprit.

Mice love to use tunnel vents and insulation as nests. These spaces are very cosy for them. It will be hard for you to detect that they are using your insulation as their own personal crib since it’s hidden from plain sight. Once they do serious damage, the temperature in your house will not be accurately regulated by your insulation system. This will cause you to turn up your air conditioning unit to make it cooler or warmer – causing your electric bill to surge unnecessarily! Prevent this from happening by regularly checking on your insulation.

4) Mice can weaken the structure of your attic

You will be surprised by how much serious damage these tiny rodents can do to the structure of your attic. Depending on how many mice are teaming up to create holes, gaps, and cracks, it’s only a matter of time before the damage presents itself as an obvious hazard.

Mice Damage In Attic

It’s well and good if you find out about it before it poses a real threat to the safety of your household, but if you never check on your attic, it could cause injuries and structural damages that can cost you thousands of dollars to repair.

5) Mice can leave nasty smells and stains on your attic wall, ceiling, and floor

Mice don’t care about the aesthetic of your house. They will ruin your attic every chance they get. Aside from the pungent smell of their waste and the stains they leave, there are diseases that can be transmitted to humans by just the smell of their urine. When cleaning up your house, don’t forget to pay your attic a visit and make sure there are no mice messing it up.

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