Relocating a Trapped Squirrel

Squirrels are a beautiful and valuable part of our natural environment but can be a nuisance. Their incessant desire to chew means that they can be extremely damaging if they find their way into your property. At best, they will damage property and at worst they may cause electrical fires after chewing wires. Therefore, it is imperative that the squirrel is removed quickly, and that it will not return. Trapping is a humane way of removing a squirrel, but once you have trapped a squirrel, the question remains of where you will relocate it. Here are some tips:

Do not relocate within 10 miles of your property

You do not want squirrels to be a recurring problem in your house; when you remove a squirrel, you want it gone for good. As long as you relocate your squirrel at least ten miles away, it is unlikely to find its way back to your property.

Relocate Squirrel

Check local and federal laws before relocation

Unfortunately, it is illegal under federal law to relocate a squirrel into public land after trapping. 

If you wish to remove a squirrel from your vicinity, it is wise to contact your local wildlife control company in order to help you get rid of the infestation. These experts will not only aid you in getting rid of them but may also give you advice on how to prevent them from returning.

This means you will have to seek permission with a private landowner to release the squirrel into their premises. There are plenty of people and nature reserves that welcome squirrels onto their land, so it should not take too much research to find a suitor. Professional wildlife control companies often have dedicated customers that they supply regularly with squirrels, such as wildlife parks and nature reserves.

Relocate families together

One of the primary reasons for squirrels invading your property is the fact that they find it an attractive place to start a family. Therefore, if you find a squirrel in your attic or another area, the chances are you will also find a nest full of babies. Naturally, to survive, these young squirrels need their parents, so they will certainly die if left alone. Thoroughly search your property for all squirrels and release them all at the same time at the same place.

Make sure to release into a squirrel-friendly environment

Squirrels are natural foragers, and live their lives amongst the trees. Therefore, when seeking a place to relocate your trapped squirrels, a forested area is infinitely preferable. Predators will hunt squirrels, which will be very exposed if not in the canopy of the trees, so make sure to release the squirrels in a covered area, with plenty of hiding places.

Consider professional help

Demand for humane pest removal companies is surging, so the chances are there will be at least one in your local area. As stated before, these companies often are a designated supplier to a private landowner and use their humane methods to relocate their animals to said area. Therefore, if you have doubts about relocating your squirrels, or how to go about doing it, seeking help from professionals are advised. They will remove the hassle that comes with finding a suitable place for relocation and will pick your trapped squirrel up from your door. That way, you can give the squirrel a second chance at life without any hassle to your own day.

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