Are squirrels nocturnal?

Are they active at night?

To simply answer the question: No, squirrel aren’t nocturnal animals. Squirrels are the type of animal that work during the day and rest in the night, very much like us humans.

Squirrels enjoy searching for food during the day because they rely on the temperature to search for their food, and searching around at nighttime makes it rather difficult as they have a harder time detecting the temperature of said food. However, there are some breeds of squirrels that will be active at night. For example, it’s perfectly normal for flying squirrels to tend to be active at night. Other than that, most squirrels shouldn’t be troubling you at night.
In the off chance that you are bothered by noises coming from your attic such as scratching or running, it is more likely that you’re hearing a mouse, rat, raccoon, or an opossum. These creatures tend to look for food during nighttime so you should expect them to be active and noisy when you’re trying to sleep.

Who’s in my attic then?

Suffice to say that if you’re hearing noises around your house at night, it’s not a squirrel making that ruckus but another creature that is most certainly nocturnal. Though if the noises happen throughout the day, then there may be an off chance that you’re looking at a squirrel in the attic.

Nocturnal Squirrel, Rat Diseases

Spot the signs

Now, when it comes to squirrels you have to pay attention to a couple of things. Bite or chew marks on some wooden areas on the attic or roof, the smell of urine and feces coming from the attic, and damage to electrical wiring are some things that squirrels are capable of doing. You may sometimes, though rarely, notice squirrels be active at night if they are seeking water or shelter. 

Nocturnal Squirrel

If you wish to remove a squirrel from your vicinity, it is wise to contact your local wildlife control company in order to help you get rid of the infestation. These experts will not only aid you in getting rid of them but may also give you advice on how to prevent them from returning.

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