How to Locate and Remove a Dead Squirrel in Your House

Squirrels are one of the most common animals to find in your home. They can squeeze into tight spaces, and love homes as they offer a secluded spot to make their nests. The problem is, those squirrels can die in your home too. This could be because you’ve laid traps, or they’ve simply died of illness or natural causes. If you need to locate a dead squirrel in your home, here’s what you need to do.

The Importance of Locating the Squirrel Quickly

If you suspect a squirrel has died somewhere in your home, you need to deal with it as quickly as possible. Firstly, of course, they will start to smell if they are left for any length of time. This is especially true during the hotter months. As their body rots, they’ll also attract other pests that you don’t want in your home. 

Remove Squirrel From Wall, Remove Dead Squirrel

Finally, you need to remove the body as it will be a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to disease. To stop all of these things from happening, remove the squirrel as soon as possible.

How to Locate a Dead Squirrel

To find the squirrel, first, follow your nose. They can begin to smell quite quickly, so you can narrow down their location that way. If you can smell them in the heat of the day, check your attic and basement first as they are most likely there. If you can only smell them in one room, the squirrel is most likely in the walls.

If you’ve set traps, then the squirrel is most likely in there. Check all your traps to see if they’re inside. If you laid out poison, then you need to go to the nearest source of water as the squirrel is most likely there.

How to Remove a Dead Squirrel

Once you’ve located the squirrel, you need to prepare to remove it. Remember, the body will be dangerous to your health, so you need to be careful. Gloves are a must, as well as a mask to avoid breathing in any pathogens. You’ll also want to wear protective eyewear as you do this.

If the squirrel is in the walls, you’ll need to cut a hole in order to remove it. Once you can access the body, carefully pick it up and seal it into a plastic bag for disposal. Next, you’ll need to clean the area where they died. If they died on any soft furnishings, these will need to be disposed of. Wipe the area down with paper towels, and then scrub it down with bleach and disposable paper towels. You may also need bug spray if there are any insects present, and an odour remover to remove the smell.

Now if a squirrel dies on your property, you’re ready to deal with it. You can usually locate the body by the smell, and once you do you can dispose of it carefully. Clean the area with bleach and you’re done.

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