Will a squirrel nest in an attic?

Squirrels, like most rodents and critters, will only nest in your attic if it is a source of basic shelter and food. Once an entry is gained into the attic, through chewing and scratching of the attic walls, and there is no disturbance from humans, they most likely will nest there. Pretty much any time a squirrel finds its way into the attic, it’s a pregnant single female. She finds her way to the attic about twice per year when she has her litter of young. 

Squirrel Nest In Attic

This is usually around February and August. The baby squirrels are born and reach adult size in only six weeks, at which time they start to run around the attic. A giant heap of leaves and plant matter inside the attic serves as an excellent squirrel nest. Squirrels; gestation period is usually around 45 days. 

The mother squirrel will care for the babies by feeding them for seven to ten weeks before they can care for themselves. Because squirrels are social, it is unlikely there will be just one squirrel. If your attic has enough space, there is no limit as to how many squirrels will eventually call your attic home.

One of the main reasons; squirrels will take shelter in a house, whether it a crawlspace or an attic, is that they are searching for a home to nest. Once a nest is built, or even as it’s being made, the mother squirrel will birth her babies. Those baby squirrels, although harmless as they won’t be able to move on their own for 6 to 8 weeks, can be a nuisance because of noise. Once you have a nest full or squirrel babies, typically four on average, you will need professional squirrel remover team to help if you want to take care of the situation humanely. Squirrels are continually chewing, and since their teeth are always growing, they have a desire to chew at hard objects to maintain their sharpness and trim. Squirrels also like to nest in several different nest points in a single property. The nest is usually placed at the edge of the attic or near the eaves, or down in the eave itself. Tackling your squirrel problems when the mother is still nursing the baby squirrels and before they become adults, is the best approach as it involves less hard work. But make sure you relocate both mother and babies as it is inhumane to transfer the mother only and let the babies starve off and die.

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