How To Remove Squirrels From Inside a Wall

Be it late at night or in the middle of the day, hearing an incessant scratching coming from behind your walls can be very unsettling. While movies may have told you that this means there is a ghost or demon living in your home, you’re likely just dealing with a pest of this world. Often times it turns out to be a squirrel.

There are a few ways you can tell if you are not sure:

  • If the sound of scurrying and scratching moves up and down, you are likely dealing with a squirrel.
  • If the sounds remain close to the ground, you are more likely to be dealing with mice or rats.
  • If the scratching you are hearing sounds frantic, it is likely some other type of animal pest.

While squirrels living in walls are common you may find yourself wondering exactly why that is. It’s actually a fairly simple answer. Walls are narrow and squirrels prefer living in tight spaces. It makes them feel safer as they can ensure a predator will not be sneaking upon them. It is also dark and warm, which are two of the qualifying factors a squirrel looks for when picking a location for their den.

Remove Squirrel From Wall, Remove Dead Squirrel

It is also far more common for a squirrel to enter your home when they are pregnant. Mother squirrels desperately search for the safest space to provide a home for their young. This is why it is incredibly likely you will find baby squirrels when dealing with squirrels in your walls.

Removing squirrels from your walls is a difficult task. Once you have identified where they are within your home you may have to cut a hole in your drywall. This can lead to a repair that is not costly or easy, and that’s without even factoring in the cleanup inside of your walls.

Another important step that can be more difficult than it sounds, is discovering the area the squirrels are getting in from. You will need to examine the entire exterior of your home, including the roof, to check for any signs of holes or damage. You should also take a look inside of your attic to see if they have gained entry to your walls through here.

Once you have identified the potential access points of your squirrel problem there are a few options for getting rid of your pest. One is called exclusion. This is done by sealing all but one access point the squirrels are using to come and go and then installing a device called an exclusion funnel. These create a one-way exit that the animals will not be able to return through.

Another option you can employ is trapping the squirrels. It is important to note this is not legal in many areas. You should check with your local municipal bylaw office, humane society, or fish and game office to make sure.

Traps can be left in a number of different places that increase your chances of catching them. They can be installed on access points the squirrels come and go through or even just in areas you believe would be highly trafficked by the squirrels. There are also lethal traps, but these are less recommended. Dealing with a dead squirrel isn’t an enjoyable experience, and if you are not quick to remove the body you may end up with more pests coming to eat it.

Another vital step when removing squirrels is to look for babies that may still be living in the walls. Squirrels typically only breed twice a year at most. This is done between February and March as well as another litter in June or July. You must remove them at the same time you remove their mother or they will die in the walls and attract other animals. They also will smell incredibly rancid and this will make its way into your home.

Once all of the squirrels have been removed from the wall cavity and you have ensured there are no baby squirrels remaining you will need to repair the damage that has been caused? Because of the risk of infectious diseases, you should wear PPE like a respirator and gloves when cleaning out the squirrel’s nest. After this, you will have to repair your drywall and seal any exterior holes that the squirrels had been using to get in.

Squirrels are incredibly difficult to deal with as a pest. If you have difficulty at any point throughout this process it may be better for you to hire a professional. It can be costly, but the damage that can be done in the time it takes you to deal with the issue can be catastrophic.

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