How can I modify my property to keep bats away?

Bats are good for the ecosystem because they feed on a lot of pests and help with pollination, amongst other reasons. As much as bats are an essential part of the population, you do not want them as guests. When bats inhabit properties, they go to spaces such as chimneys and the attic. Their presence can impact the structure of a property negatively. They can also spread diseases such as rabies.

Keeping bats away from your property involves eliminating their access to shelter, food, and water. Exclusion measures are typically aimed at limiting the access of bats to their needs and making an area unattractive to them. Modifying your property is a way of eliminating the access of bats to shelter. As long as bats can access your property, the bat problem will persist. Here are a few ways to modify your property to prevent a bat infestation.


The use of repellents is part of the overall process of making your property unattractive to bats. Bat repellents include ultrasonic repellents and solid and liquid repellents. Ultrasonic repellents release sounds that are uncomfortable to bats and a lot of other pests. Liquid and gel repellents serve similar purposes, making the area unwelcoming. Irrespective of the type of repellent you buy, be sure to apply according to the manufacturer specifications.

Bat Removal From Property

Exclusion devices

Modifying your property to keep bats away from it means making it as unattractive as possible. If the bats have already invaded your property, your first focus should be on how to get them out.

Exclusion devices play a key role in getting bats out of your property. These devices work by providing a natural exit pathway for the critters.

Apply exclusion devices after identifying and blocking all entry points except one. Install the device on that opening and wait for them to leave. This is best done when bats are active, before they breed, or after the young ones become old enough to fly.

Block all openings

Although bats are not like rodents that expand existing holes and use them as entry points, they can access the property through tiny cracks. Small bats can use holes with diameters as small as half-inch as entry points. Tiny cracks and holes are especially used by bats when they are in the attic.

When blocking all entry points as a property modification measure to prevent a bat invasion, you should ensure that there are no bats in your home or property to begin with. This also means ensuring that there are no baby bats.

You can find the holes by checking the closed spaces bats occupy thoroughly.

Bat Removal From Property

 In such closed spaces, check for light entering through the holes of different sizes during the day. Identify all holes and cracks and fix them with durable materials. You should also check the overall structure of your property to confirm the integrity of materials and make changes as required. Mesh hardware cloth, wood, and aluminum are some materials for blocking holes.

When modifying your property to prevent bat activity, it is important to consider the time of the year and day. The goal is total elimination. So you want to apply exclusion measures when they are out and not when they are within the property or have babies in your attic.

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