What materials do bats chew through?

A small bat problem can become a major bat problem in no time. Getting rid of a bat problem as soon as possible should be the goal at all times. This involves having a good understanding of the biology of the critters.

Exclusion is an effective measure for getting rid of a pest problem. For exclusion to be effective, it is important to be sure of the best items and tools to apply. Knowing what materials bats can chew through, for example, is important in making the most effective exclusion measures.

Bats are some of the animals that have been wrongly represented the most, especially by Hollywood. There is a common perception that bats are blood-sucking vampires and apply their teeth in this regard. Let’s consider the basic biology of bats to determine the materials they chew through.

Do bats have teeth?

Yes, bats have teeth. The teeth of bats are also known for their sharpness. Although bats have sharp teeth, it is worth noting that their teeth are not adapted for chewing. The sharp teeth of bats are thus simply part of their nature.

Having established that bats have sharp teeth that are not specially adapted for chewing, let’s consider what they can chew.

What can bats chew?

Bats mostly feed on insects. They could also feed on plant materials such as nectar, pollen, and fruit. Their small and sharp teeth are more suitable for chewing nectar, pollen, insects, and fruits. They can eat 600 mosquitoes in an hour and serve as a biological pest controller.

Finding out what bats can chew through is mostly necessitated by persons who want to know the best way to keep the critters out of their homes and the damage they can cause. Let’s now answer some specific questions in that regard.

Do bats chew through walls?

A wide range of rodent pests can chew through walls. Such pests expand existing holes and use them as entry points. However, that is not the case for bats. Bats cannot chew through walls. Thus, a bat cannot expand any existing holes and use them as entry points. Instead, they squeeze through small holes and cracks. Bats can go through cracks with diameters as small as a half-inch.

It is also worth noting that bats do not chew through wire meshing, caulks, wood, and other common materials used for sealing holes.

What materials do bats chew though? Bats are not exactly chewers and no materials have been identified as susceptible to bat chewing.

The fact that bats are not good chewers also means that bats do not cause structural damage like rodents. A lot of rodents chew wires and other household materials. Bats do not chew these materials. Instead, they are unwanted in properties because they spread dangerous diseases such as rabies and hemorrhagic fevers. They also carry parasites. The critters can also damage the insulation with their accumulated urine.

Bat Food

Because bats are not very good chewers, exclusion using the common materials is an effective wayof getting rid of them.

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